Foreign Trade

Given the nature of this particular area, our services consist of:
a) Prior to importation, consultancy, processing and obtaining of all the necessary requisites or non-tax technical barriers prior to importation, such as: sanitary and phyto-zoosanitary permits, NOM compliance, obtainance of records and permits from the Department of Economy, Department of Treasury and Public Credit, etc.
b) During importation, solving problems at the border which prevent merchandise importation, obtaining one-time permits , negotiation with federal officials, etc.
c) After importation, review of the operations, consultancy to deal with fiscal contingencies such as: inspection visits, or administrative procedures pertaining to customs, etc.
If necessary, we can contribute to our client’s defense via : administrative appeals for revocation or review, proceedings for nullity, and even writ of amparo proceedings.
As an example these are some of our latest achievements in this area:
- Creation of previously nonexisting criteria for PITEX companies belonging to several sectors.
- Regularization of temporarily imported merchandise through payment of minimal contributions in comparison to those established by customs agents.
- Creation of importation quotas for emergency purposes such as Newcastle disease, which hit the State of Durango a few years ago and completely destroyed the region’s aviculture. In that case, a specific quota was created that prevented the depletion of the state’s supply and its poultry industry regions of influence.
- Creation of importation quotas in order to promote agriculture and cattle production, such as the quota relating to Russian imported wheat used for animal consumption in hog farms.
- Creation of “multi-destination” criteria sausage-product companies, through which it is possible to transport shipments to destinations other than the one filed in the zoosanitary requirements sheet.
- Obtaining of importation authorizations for products that are prohibited (sesame seed) because of phytosanitary safety, by modifying importation requirements so they are checked at their point of origin.
- Successful participation in several cases to establish safeguards and antidumping investigations.
- Regularization of merchandise by-products and wastes temporarily imported, paying minimum amounts of contributions in comparison with the established ones by customs agents.
- Obtaining criteria in order to consider water use from slaughter houses as part of the cattle industry, achieving the exemption of payments of Rights for water use.
- Return of contributions illegally paid due to the concept of taxes of the importation of classified merchandise, realized in an incorrect fashion.
- Diverse legal resources won from the Federal Government in the matter of shelters, SECODAM, CNDH, in fiscal material, etc.
- Modification of the National Water Law in the House of Representatives (2207), to exempt the payment of Rights for water use to slaughter houses.